So i recently discovered a new make up brand called E.L.F - Eyes Lips Face online! It is amazing value! I cannot believe how many products i received for the small price i paid!
I have to say that some of their products are just as good as the expensive brands if not better!
I must admit i was a tad dubious at first but i thought why not! I went ahead and ordered a few basic things and thought if i liked them i would go back and order more products when i have the money. I definitely will be buying more from there, and not just the basics!
Here are a few of the products i ordered....
Dual eyesahdow cream in sugar cookie! £1.50! Great for that shimmering subtle look, and works perfect for a base for powder eyeshadow too! |
Studio Stipple brush - £3.50!! Bargain! This brush can be used for contouring, highlighting, applying powder, foundation etc! I found it is absolutely amazing to apply foundation with! Covers all my bad skin areas and you don;t need to use a lot of foundation! I found that i used half as much in an application as i used to with my clinique foundation brush!! |
Eyeliner and shadow stick - perfect for creating that smokey eye effect - £3.50
Studio matte eyeshadow - £3.50 - It comes with its own individual brush!! I have yet to try this one out yet! |
Eyelash and Eyebrow wand - £1.50 - perfect for tidying up the eyebrows and perfecting that fluffy almost want to touch mascara and no clumps!!
Brush shampoo - £3.50 Great to clean the brushes and so cheap! Not as harsh as soap! Leaves the brushes soft! |
Studio makeup mist & set - £3.50 - Great to hold makeup in place! My makeup definitely lasts a lot longer when i use this!
Thank you for reading! If any of you have bought other products from E.L.F and think they are worth the money please let me know so i can trial them out!!